Subculture Studios and JDN My UZI Weighs A Ton

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Subculture Studios and JDN My UZI Weighs A Ton

In doing the legwork for this week’s cigar review, I was reminded of the broad spectrum of cigar preferences. While the chatter on twitter has been generally positive with regard to the new My UZI Weighs A Ton (or MUWAT, or MUWT, but I’ll call it “the Uzi”), I also encountered a number of comments by people that were put off by either the unusual name, or the size of stick. It seems like an odd thing to bring up at the beginning of a review, but it gives me an excuse to share a Steve Saka quote Jonathan Drew cited recently: “If you try to make a blend that everyone likes, you won’t make a blend that anyone will love.” I like that policy, it made me even more interested in trying out the Uzi.

But before we get into my feelings on the cigar, a little background. To begin with, the name. The Uzi is not a Liga Privada extension, it’s set to be officially released at the 2011 IPCPR trade show as a joint venture between the Drew Estate’s artistic side project “Subculture Studios” and Joya De Nicaragua. It’s comprised mainly of Drew Estate tobacco, but it’s actually made by Joya De Nicaragua. And, as has been discussed around the blogs, the “My UZI Weighs A Ton” part is an old hip-hop reference, most likely to a Public Enemy song of the same name.

The Uzi will come in brown paper-wrapped bundles of 20, in three sizes, 5 x 60, 6 x 60 and 7 x 60. Though not officially released yet, the 6 x 60 vitola is for sale at select retailers in unbanded bundles of 10. (Which is where my review cigars come from. Drew Estate was kind enough to also send me samples of the 5 x 60 and the 7 x 60.)

It’s time to fire up the Uzi.

Cigar Stats:
Size: 6 x 60
Wrapper: San Andreas Negro
Binder: Connecticut Capote Broadleaf
Filler: Brazilian Mata Fina Oscuro, Nicaraguan Ligero Esteli, Viso Condega and Seco Jalapa.
Smoking Time: 2 1/2 hours
Beverage: Water
Source: Purchased by reviewer
Price: MSRP $9.95

The Pre-Smoke
The name fits, the Uzi is one hefty smoke, with an oily, deep reddish brown wrapper, traced through with medium to large veins. The sticks I burned for this review were also toothy, and given to cosmetic imperfections, mostly superficial holes that were easy to overlook. The cigars were firm and had that barnyard-on-a-hot-day scent. In the cold draw I tasted creamy chocolate and a touch of sweetness.

The Burn
I did run into some trouble with the burn, but I’m going to give the Uzi the benefit of the doubt, and I’ll tell you why. In my hurry to get this review out before banded Uzis debut at the upcoming trade show, I didn’t afford these cigars the pre-review recovery period normally do. And since the issues were minor and consistent with many of my right-off-the-truck experiences (touch ups mostly), it only seems fair to do so.

I noticed that the Uzi doesn’t quite match the Liga Privada line in terms the volume of smoke off the foot of the cigar, but it’s still generates a good cloud. And that’s something to keep in mind when you’re deciding where to light one up.

The Flavor
You might expect that a cigar called My Uzi Weighs A Ton to open up, ligero barrels blazing, but that wasn’t the case. Things got off to a mellow start with some creamy, earthy chocolate. I picked up nougat and cinnamon as well in the initial third At times, the Uzi almost tasted like a cinnamon roll, albeit one with an earthy chocolate sauce added for good measure.

The second third was a continuation of the first without much of a change. But not long before the final third began the body started to pick up noticeably. The creaminess and cinnamon were gone at this point, and it was all about smokey dark chocolate, earth and a little leather.

The Price
The price will come as no surprise to anyone familiar with Drew Estate’s Liga Privada lines. Given the ton of tobacco it contains, it might actually be a little cheaper.

The Verdict
The Uzi won’t make my top ten list for the year, but it’s a pretty enjoyable cigar, even taking into consideration its uncomfortable girth. The profile is straightforward and burns longer than other cigars the same length. That can be either good or bad, depending on your need for evolving flavor. You definitely get your money’s worth, but for me, I think I’d be better served by the 5 x 60 size.

Fans of the Liga Privada lines will probably enjoy the My Uzi Weighs A Ton, however, it’s not likely to replace the LP’s as your favorite, unless size is a deciding factor.

Liked It: Yes
Buy It Again: Maybe
Recommend It: Liga Privada fans should try it.

Tower of Burn
Here for your viewing pleasure is my trademark Tower of Burn.

enjoying cigars since 1997

12 thoughts on “Subculture Studios and JDN My UZI Weighs A Ton

  1. Nice review Brian…Very silly cigar, when i see stuff like this come out with ridiculous names and packaging I start to feel very old indeed.

  2. Great review Brian, your sentiments seem to be on par with what others have said none the less still sounds like a decent stick and an interesting concept. It generally sounds like JD and crew were just having fun with this release, name might be tough for branding etc but if it’s a decent stick no one will care.

  3. Thanks for the review. One thing I like about JD is that he is creative with his marketing and approach to cigar making. Doesn’t mean that I care for his cigars much, but I can appreciate the creativity. I will have to give this one a try b/c I like the Liga Privada line, though I must admit that I am getting tired of all the 60 ring gauge cigars. A 6×60 just takes too darn long to smoke…shorter is ok though…Thanks for another great review!

  4. Thanks for the review. I can appreciate JD’s marketing savvy, but these are looking like something I’m going to pass on. From the lackluster reviews, it seems like they had a marketing concept first and then threw together a cigar to get something to the trade show on time. For something with a name like “My Uzi…” I would expect more oomph or for it to be a little more standout in some way. Plus, the 60 RG thing is getting silly – watered down flavors, uneven burns, and uncomfortable to smoke.

  5. Thanks for the review Brian. As Matt states above, it is on par with all other reviews I have read. A Drew Estate’s side project with Joya De Nicaragua is definitely a must try as I appreciate both of their products. Looking forward to it but would love to also try it in a smaller ring size – maybe call it My UZI Weighs A Half-a-Ton (or MUWAHT

    1. I’d be up for a MUWHAT too. Originally the blend started out as a 54 ring gauge, and I would love to try it in that size. If they ever release it, they have a name all ready to go!

  6. I guess I should reserve judgement until I smoke the thing but I have to say, it seems like marketing was the priority here and not necessarily quality of the stick itself. I’ve yet to read a review that says the actual smoke matches the hype. I’ll be back when I smoke it.

  7. Again with monster ring gauges and ludicrous names, is this the sign that the current Cigar Boom has reached the peak and is already going down hill again? Which idiot named this brand?!?

  8. The 60 ring gauge sounds like a deal breaker for me, my jaw is cringing just thinking about it.

  9. Thank you for the review, I finally had to try one while sitting on the beach, a very good cigar and very flavorful.
    I enjoyed the varied spices and the amount of smoke it gave off. One of those Cigars you need 2-3 hours to enjoy for sure. I like the name. Gave some to my comrades who served in Afghanistan they thought it was quit fitting.

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