Cigar Shop Review: Skippack, PA – Top Shelf Cigar Company

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Cigar Shop Review: Skippack, PA – Top Shelf Cigar Company

Name of Shop: Top Shelf Cigar Company
Date Visited: 05/23/09
Street Address: 3014 Skippack Pike
City: Skippack
State: PA
Zip: 19474
Phone Number: (610) 584-9588 or toll free (800) 304-7183
Hours of Operation:
Monday – Wenesday: 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday – Saturday: 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday: 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Location: Average
Top Shelf Cigar Company is located on the main drag running through Skippack (Skippack Pike – Rt. 73). It is surrounded by lots of small stores and has a good amount of parking space. The downside is that the shop is difficult to see as it sits back off the road a little bit. The shop parking lot is located off of Store Rd., around the rear of the building. There is a small sign out front which is visible from the street, however, it can easily be missed.

Staff: Exceptional
The owner, Jim Cronin, is extremely knowledgeable and is more than willing to help any customer that needs assistance. He has always come off as a very friendly person that greets you with a smile and a handshake when you walk through the door. The same can be said for Ryan, an employee, who is also knowledgeable and friendly.

Stock: Above Average
The size of the shop is small, which limits how cigars are stored and arranged. Rather than having a walk-in humidor, Top Shelf uses a system of tall cabinets to house their cigars. Each cabinet is humidified and line three of the four exterior walls of the shop. From the outside you would think that there are far fewer cigars than are actually kept inside. Jim does an excellent job of populating his store with as many cigars as he can possibly fit within his space. Pricing is slightly lower than other shops within the area and discounts are offered for purchasing multiple cigars.

Lounge: Below Average
As mentioned above, Top Shelf Cigars is very tight on space. The downside to having a store packed to the gills with product is that it limits the size of the lounge. The lounge seats about 7 or 8 people but can become cramped very quickly. The lounge features a large flat screen television with a satellite connection for those interested in watching while they smoke.

Overall Opinion: Above Average
I think that Top Shelf Cigars is a great store to shop at and become a regular of. The employees are both friendly and knowledgeable and have never left me feeling uncomfortable. For a small store the stock is excellent and events are packed with loads of people looking to have a cigar and a good conversation with anyone that wonders in. The shop hours are friendly to those looking to have a smoke after work or are out for a Sunday drive through town.

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enjoying cigars since 2005

5 thoughts on “Cigar Shop Review: Skippack, PA – Top Shelf Cigar Company

  1. Walt,
    You forgot to mention that there is a covered patio for extra seating when the weather is nice.

  2. nice shop review. I’m glad people are doing this, and even though I suggested it, I haven’t actually done one. haha. Thanks Walt!

  3. Not to mention the Top Shelf Signature Select house blends are freakin amazing!!! Jim is an awesome guy- hopefully I’ll be bale to order from him again one day!

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