Author: Brian Hewitt

enjoying cigars since 1997

Carmelo Blue Robusto

My first introduction to the Carmelo line of cigars was at last year’s IPCPR. Our schedule wasn’t quite as busy at 2008’s trade show and I found my self loitering at the Cigarmony booth talking with Mark Neff, the shop’s owner and his assistant, Craig “The Boy Wonder.” At one point in the conversation Craig […]


Los Blancos Nine Robusto

I’ve been looking forward to the Los Blancos Nine since the rumors started circulating about it a little before IPCPR. I’ve had the opportunity to sample earlier offerings of the Los Blancos Cigar Company, and it seemed to me what they were missing was a proper full-bodied cigar. The existing Premiere line is not bad […]


Padilla Cazadores Robusto

You don’t need me to tell you times have been a bit tough lately. In fact, you’re probably tired of hearing the news about unemployment statistics, home foreclosures and all the other the-sky-is-falling headlines. But the fact is, fewer discretionary dollars and higher tobacco taxes makes it more difficult for many that enjoy a fine […]

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