Brickhouse event at Genuine Tobacco

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Brickhouse event at Genuine Tobacco

Brickhouse Event at Genuine Tobacco

Hello my friends and welcome to a little look inside of the Brickhouse event I attended at Genuine Tobacco this past Thursday evening. I believe this is the first event I have covered locally so I probably have a lot to learn. I also found out that we have never reviewed a Brickhouse cigar for the site. I know they showed up in Week in Smokes posts by the guys but never a full review. We will have to rectify that along with a review of the Julius Caesar cigar Dan was kind enough to provide.

I included a video with some snapshots of the event along with a video of the really cool trivia that Dan, our local Cigar Family rep, did. People also won prizes for trivia and they even had a door prize drawing where a bunch of people won some great items including a 5-count travel humidor. I know the sound quality is not stellar and one of these days I may be able to get a wireless lapel mic system to make things clearer for my viewers.

Events are a lot of fun and if you have a chance to go to one locally I would suggest attending. We had food and great conversations all night, even after normal closing time. Reps and manufacturers will take the time to talk with consumers and bring a level of interaction that most people do not get to have one a normal basis. Of course you get great cigar deals and sometimes even prizes too.

After a while we talked Stephen into pulling down the big screen to watch some sports. If I would have one of those screens with my big red comfy chair, I would never get up.

I met some great guys and gals and can’t wait till the next event in January. A big thank you to Stephen and Dan for giving props to Stogie Review all night long while I sat on my ass and enjoyed cigars.

If you were there (or even if you were not here locally) give a shout out in the comments and let us know how you like events, what you don’t like about them and what you would like to see added or changed for events.

I am looking forward to sitting down with Dan next time we can get schedules synched up to get some great video of all the happenings from the entire Cigar Family line.

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I am just me.

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