Graycliff Chataeu Grand Cru (Humidor Diving)

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Graycliff Chataeu Grand Cru (Humidor Diving)

Graycliff Gran Cru - 1

Over the years I have managed to create a large collection of cigars. Much of my collection, if you want to call it that, is made up of pre-marriage, pre-mortgage, and pre-being-a-father purchases. I’ve always wanted to turn these cigars into content for Stogie Review but a lot of time has passed.

I came up with the concept of doing Humidor Diving videos. The idea being that I would wade through the mass of cigars and select something to feature in a video. Because these cigars may be aged several years, or long out of production, I didn’t want to do a standard review.

The end result is the video found below. This is the Pilot Episode, per se, where I smoke a Graycliff Chataeu Grand Cru that has been sitting around for a couple of years. The video wound up about five minutes longer than my target time frame (ten to twelve minutes) as I explained my thought process behind the series.

Take a look at the video and let me know if this Humidor Diving concept is something you would like to see more of. Understandably, some of these cigars may not interest you due to their age or availability. If feedback on this series is good, I’ll add a video or two to the monthly rotation. If not, it will die a quick and painless death.

enjoying cigars since 2005

32 thoughts on “Graycliff Chataeu Grand Cru (Humidor Diving)

  1. I think this is a pretty decent concept. The best part of this video was that coolidor, how do you keep it humidified? Thanks Walt.

    1. Jeff,
      I use Silica Beads to maintain 65% and 70% (depending on the cooler). Those beads and a mass of cigars do a great job holding a consistent RH.

  2. I’ve somked the Graycliff Blue Label that it has familar favors and strength to the Graycliff Chataeu Grand Cru. Average cigar guy like me cannot afford to smoke Graycliff cigar everyweek. I would rather buy The Padron Anniversary , Davidoff Anniversay and Opus X before The Graycliff Cigar because they are in same price range with The Graycliff Cigar.

  3. This is a fun idea. If you are asking for suggestions, I would have to say that the most off-putting part of the video is the constant apology for doing the video. I enjoyed watching it, not as a buyer’s guide, but as an adventure in smoking. I loved the cooler footage I know I keep a small humidor, so very little gets aged. However, I have had the experience of walking into a low volume cigar shop (real old mom & pop stuff) and finding a few good cigars that look like they have been there for a long time.

  4. Interesting idea Walt. You would certainly have a lot to choose from when diving. I enjoyed the video. It’s unique and we all have some cigars that we forget about or avoid for some reason and at some point we ‘rediscover’. As far as length of the video goes, the 10-12 minute mark is just right.

    I have to say the Graycliff Grand Cru cigars are high on my list. Only the price keeps me from smoking them more often.

  5. While I haven’t watched the video yet, I like the idea. I would think that most cigar smokers have a lot of “pre” cigars and I too like the adventure of seeing something like that. Something old, makes you want to dig through your own stash and definitely makes you remember the time you purchased or received it.

  6. I really dig the concept and look forward to more in the series. Having a few coolers full of cigars myself, I totally empathize with your post disposable income situation. I’m hoping to someday reduce my spending on the neverending slew of new blends that we’re bombarded with every year and really start consuming the ones that I’ve had on hand for years. I’m sure my wife would be grateful. Keep ’em coming Walt!

  7. The vast majority of your guys ideas on here are good ones. Personally, I like this idea because I have cigars which ive had for several (2-3) years and can tell you that after even 2 years a cigar is definitely a different smoke. Some lose something, yet some gain a whole different dimension. This will probably appeal to those who have the same aged stash like we do. Although, I aspire to have a collection like yours, I vote to keep them coming!

  8. Great review. I enjoyed this. But one thing that I would really like, is if you smoked a cigar with age, and then smoked the same on that’s young and explain the differences you’re noticing, I think that would be very interesting.

  9. Hi Walt, good review, it was hard to kept up with the camera, maybe next time, would like to see ”all” your ”stash”, what was at the bottom of that cooler? I did enjoy it, do it again sometime.

  10. I like the idea. I also like Jeffrey’s suggestion of comparing the aged vs current product whenever possible.

  11. Thanks for the review Brian. I think the idea of coolidor diving is a good one and you should keep doing it. Keep on smoking.

    1. I was just about to say “Since you’re the second person to mention the Cigarfest Humidor, I’ll dig it out next episode”. Then I realized that you left the same comment on Youtube.

      Tricky…. tricky…. LOL

      I’ll dig out the Cigarfest Humidor for the next episode. I doubt there is anything special in there. Probably just some inexpensive freebies from the event. Regardless, we shall see in the next video.

  12. My opinion reflects most of the ones here… I think this is a good way to burn through those aged cigars while providing interesting content to Stogie Review. Most reviews are obviously on newly purchased or gifted stuff. This is a good chance to see how age can treat a cigar and change its flavors.

  13. I really like Jeffrey’s idea. Usually, when we read about long-term reviews, they smoke the new one first, then another one 6 months or a year down the road … with no continuity.

    But if you smoked the old one first, and then a new one right after, the flavor differences will hit you smack upside the head obvious!

  14. I think it’s a nice change. Most blogs are reviewing the same stuff right now because we’re coming off of ipcpr. love the coolidor section as It’s always cool to see other botl’s stash.

  15. I love this new review series concept, great job Walt! Everyone wants to hear about new cigars, for obvious reasons. But that means that sometimes it’s hard to find reviews of cigars that have been out for years.

    Also, I love the idea of reviews of aged cigars. I find it very helpful to know how a certian cigar might change over time.

    Personally, I like Graycliffs. But they are so pricey at retail that I just don’t buy them … not when a Padron Anniversary is sitting next to it at the same price. But when someone has them on sale or I get them in a trade/gift, then I find them to be a fun change of pace cigar.

  16. Love the review Walt! Keep doing them! I, like you, have may cigars, as I am sure many of your viewers do and I love this. I would like to see full blown reviews only because that way we can see what these cigars are like in 2-3 years.

  17. Great Job, great idea, hey how about next time while in your coolerdor show us the Humidifier device and explain to us a little how you maintain the coolerdor and how you determined how much of the beads to use. Im interested in how the cigars stay fresh in the environment if they are still wrapped and in ziplocks. Does each ziplock need like a humipouch or something or does the humidity level kind of penetrate the bags enough to keep it fresh?

  18. What’s not to like? I look at it like the tests in car magazines of cars no longer in production, ie. of general interest.
    Really, all the cigar revues eventually become what you’re doing here, as the cigars pass out of production.

    Keep ’em coming.

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