Tatuaje Series P – 2011 version

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Tatuaje Series P – 2011 version

Tatuaje Series P 2011 - main.jpg

Wrapper : Ecuadorian Sumatra
Filler : Nicaraguan Cuban Sandwich (long and medium filler)
Source : bought myself

After a brief hiatus due to the awesome IPCPR coverage I am back with a review of the new Tatuaje Series P in the toro size.

As many of you know, the Series P was reviewed before on Stogie Review by our own Jerry Cruz but we have an all new version that was released by Pete not too long ago.

This one is available in three sizes, Short Robusto, Robusto, and this toro. All prices are under $4 a stick and box price can get you very close to $3 a stick.


Taking this Tatuaje Series P out of the cello and giving a big sniff of the wrapper gives off a sweet hay scent. On the foot, the most I get is just a natural tobacco scent.

Snipped, but did make a mention of some of the caps not being very pretty on these, and was given a very nice free draw which has been present on all of the ones I have smoked. I never had a draw issue with these yet.

Lighting it up went easily and we are off and running.

First Half

Starting out this Tatuaje Series P and I am met with a leather taste along with a bit of a zing. A nice mellow taste so far and hopefully it progresses this way till the end.

I have gotten a very nice volume of smoke since the beginning and the taste is a leathery one with a bit of wood intermingled.

At the end of the first half I started getting a little buttered bread taste along with the leather and wood. It is a bit of a dry smoke but not overwhelmingly dry.

Great burn, great draw, great volume of smoke….so far

Second Half

Entering the second half of this Tatuaje Series P in the toro size and so far I am enjoying it very nicely. Still staying in the mild to low medium range with a great open draw.

Bit of a ways into the second half and the leather has really gone to the background to let the wood dominate. In turn, it has gotten to be a little bit dryer than before but not much. Still burning great with an awesome amount of smoke.

Got quite a bit dryer at the end and most of the flavor turned to a bread and butter with natural tobacco but that was in the last inch.


Rounding up this Tatuaje Series P I would have to say it is a great stick for the price. Burn was great and it gave off a nice amount of smoke. Flavors did not change constantly but were very enjoyable. Only bad part was the dryness towards the end but that can be dealt with by having your favorite libation in your other hand.

Would I buy it again? Hell yes!

If you want to smoke a solidly constructed cigar but do not have a lot of coin in your pocket, you should reach for one of these. I really think it is a great everyday smoke.

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Purchase this album – Thin Lizzy: Definitive Collection

I am just me.

7 thoughts on “Tatuaje Series P – 2011 version

  1. The boys are back! And so is the clock. lol I’ll definitely have to try these out.

    Welcome back, “Captain Charisma”! LMAO Fuck him.

  2. Great review Mike. I tried a couple of the ones you so generously sent me and I really like them especially for the price. Good flavors, good body, good burn, good draw, good price point. What more could you ask for? Again, great review!

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