The tale of the Camacho Scorpion

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The tale of the Camacho Scorpion

Camacho ScorpionHave you ever gone into a cigar shop or browsed a retailers website and come across a cigar that just didn’t seem to fit. For example if you looked at the Camacho line of cigars and see the Corojo, Coyolar, SLR, Triple Maduro, and so on. If you just happened to walk into the right store you may see something called a Camacho Scorpion.

For one reason or another, the name of this cigar just seems a bit odd to me. As it turns out, the Camacho Scorpion is a limited production cigar with a bit of a story behind it. I was fortunate enough to have this story told to me by none other than the man responsible for the name.

While I was making my rounds at the CI Superstore just a few weeks ago to record theChristian Seminar and speak with him afterwords, I got to talking to a man named Carlos. You may recognize him from the crazy salesman video he put together just a short time ago.

I’m told that Carlos has a bit of a reputation for problems in Honduras while on sales trips. He went on to tell me that while sitting on a wall one day, Christian thought it would be funny to give him a shove. As Carlos rolled backwards off of the wall and down a hill, he somehow picked up a Scorpion in his shorts. After a terrorized run to the restroom, the Camacho Scorpion was born.

To listen to Carlos tell the story check out the video below.

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Photo Credit: Camacho Cigars

enjoying cigars since 2005

4 thoughts on “The tale of the Camacho Scorpion

  1. My friends gifted me a box of original Scorpions last month. I must say it’s an absolutely fantastic cigar. Thanks for the info on it, very entertaining. 🙂

  2. Very informative stuff. Even Doc Stogie Fresh didn’t have this information in his review of it some months ago. I was lucky enough to get a box early on. Now I might be intimidated just by their name.

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