Arganese – Double Wrap, with a twist

Reviews Videos37 Comments on Arganese – Double Wrap, with a twist

Arganese – Double Wrap, with a twist

You heard it first in Brian’s National Inquirer style article that Jerry may make a return appearance to the Stogie Review. It seems Brian’s tip paid off, back for the very first time we have Jerry giving us his take on the Arganese Double wrap as well as bringing us up to speed on the goings on of Mr. Cruz.

enjoying cigars since 2005

37 thoughts on “Arganese – Double Wrap, with a twist

  1. Nice review Jerry, was a nice treat to see you do one while I smoked an Arganese myself (thanks to Walt). Hope all is well


  2. Jerry I’m glad to see you are doing well! I know some may pressure you to get back in but take your time. Your fan base here is huge and we will take what we can get! Thank you for thinking of us man…you really are one hell of a guy!

  3. I had to do a double take! Is that really you Jerry!? I know SR has more visitors since you’ve been gone but the site was always missing that little extra that only you can provide.

    Are you going to get back into YQMA at all? Hell I guess it doesn’t matter. Welcome home! JERRY IS BACK!

  4. Wow! Being new to the site I have to say that I love your review of the double wrap. I also love how personal your review is. While the video is for everyone it feels like you’re right next to me just shooting the breeze. I see why you are well liked.

    I will definitely be back more often now that you are back!


  6. When I read Walt’s post I didn’t believe him but then I started playing the video and heard that familiar music and saw that familiar torpedo head and I was ecstatic!

    I can’t imagine the hell you’ve been through but welcome home Jerry!

  7. Man, listening to that intro music is like hearing the Superman Theme. You know it can only mean one thing. Welcome back Jerry. Hope you stay for awhile, a long while.

  8. Jerry – Good to have you back. I appreciate your honesty saying you may or may not be back on a regular basis. The power of Stogie Review compells you! 😉

    And of course, the cigar review was awesome as well.

  9. I am very happy to see you back Jerry. Hope you and your wife are doing well. The site is not the same without you.

  10. I love the music references…its like Hulk Hogan’s entrance music…you just know who it is! Whatcha gonna do when Jerry-Mania runs wild over you! 🙂

  11. So good to hear that music once again!

    I actually didn’t know you used a V-cut. Pretty cool. I also noticed that you toasted, then immediately began puffing, instead of toasting, then lighting while puffing a bit. Any reason for this?

    About coming back to SR, whatever happens, and what ever your able to do is just fine with the community as people have said. It’s great to see you in a new video though. Hope your family is doing well.

  12. Wow guys! Thanks for all the comment love (don’t stop, keep them coming)! I was actually debating using another song for the intro but I’m glad I didn’t. I guess its my calling card of sorts.

    Jon W. – I think its one of those things I do sub-consciously. Lighting my cigar on camera is always uncomfortable. I feel vulnerable like everyone is staring at me, its like pee’n with other people around. LOL. Seriously though, a long time ago I was lighting a cigar called Spanish Galleon or something with a very loose draw and I literally felt the flame come up the inside of the cigar as a puff and lit at the same time. Since I have a history of catching things on fire, I play things safe.

  13. Jerry,
    I was drew to the SR by your Pepin Garcia and top-shelf cigar reviews and, honestly, I’ve been missing your continued willingness to shell out the big bucks to review the not-everyday cigars. When I spend good money on a smoke, it better damn well be worth it (!) and I always found your reviews as an excellent guide.
    You had a chance to try a Tatuaje Havana VI Verocu or Cabaiguan Guapo yet? If you find one definitely give it a try!

  14. Wow! What a treat to see you in action again Jerry. Sure have missed you. Makes me want to take a drive down Tippet Road and cross the goat man’s bridge or something. Good to see you big guy! All the best!

  15. Jerry it is great to see you again!! i remember when i first found you and walk (espisode 5 of YQMA) and knew i had found the site for me. I hope you’re doing well!

  16. Dennis (lucky7) – Man I haven’t heard those references since High School days! Thanks for bringing me back!

    James – YQMA #5 that seems so long ago. I can’t believe that segment has taken off like it has. In truth the idea was just me being my lazy self and thought it would be easier to answer all the questions all at once instead of replying one at a time. I don’t like typing.

    Justin – Glad to see you still visit! I checked out Las VegASH and thats a great idea you got going there! I liked the “Meet the Locals” segments. Nice concept.

    Steve – I may pop up more and more. I figure I “work” from home on Wednesday & Fridays so I’m sure I can fit in a cigar review during that time…but we will see.


  17. JER-eee!

    welcome back brother!

    It was a pleasure watching one of your videos again, you’ve been missed.

  18. Welcome back brother!!! Hope to see much more of you. I learned to light cigars watching you and Walt. Others will watch and learn the same way. So keep lighting on camera. We have all rushed a light or cut before. Keep them coming Jerry!!! All the best.

  19. Jerry, it is awesome to see you here, I actually stopped visiting the website after you left, great to see you and enjoy your reviews!! I hope all is well with you and yours.

  20. Michael – Welcome back! Things are well with the wife and I but its a day-to-day things. We still have our horrible and not so horrible moments.

    I checked out your site and I really like your 17 point rating system. Any system where you can use the word “fugly” is awesome! Its a word that doesn’t get used that much anymore.

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